This is the order I train dog obedience skills in!
When “competing: with real-world distractions how can you ensure rewards-based dog training works?
Step-by-step guide to training an advanced leave it cue that works on dog walks
133 Shares 101 32 Regardless of whether your dog is a complete beginner with the stay cue OR they’re struggling with a more advanced version, I want to teach you how to train stay so that it works in ALL scenarios. If you prefer following video tutorials, I taught Brooks how to “Stay” for my […]
Fun dog training game for improving: Recall, paying attention to you outside, bonding, & exercise.
“Drop it” is a potentially life-saving skill. Here is my favourite force-free way of teaching a dog to drop it!
A marker word tells your dog “What you JUST did is what I want you to keep doing!”. It’ll make training your dog easier & faster!
Teaching your dog to lie down is a classic obedience command that’s helpful for settling your dog. Learn both the lure & capture methods!
“Leave it” is one of the most important commands! If you want your dog to ignore garbage, smells, bikers, or dogs: master “leave it”!
If your dog won’t look at you then chances are they also aren’t listening to you. Teaching your dog to focus is an important skill!
Teaching your dog to sit is a classic obedience command with a surprising amount of uses. Master this skill using force-free training!